Per request:
I would like to announce that my sister, an exceptional student-athlete at Springfield College, was recently accepted to Boston University for graduate school. She will likely be entering their two year social work masters program, and live the dream.
I would also like to mention that I also applied to Boston University for graduate school. However, unlike my sister I did not meet their standards for acceptance. Kudos to her, send mad props.
In her honor I am going to create a list of qualities that make her a fantastic person, likely the reasons she was accepted to BU:
- Ability to cry a full five seconds after injury. The pause before the crying is truly a gift, one Alyssa has mastered. Don't believe me, I've got some great video.
- Ability to run barefoot in the snow during the winter and make faces at our neighbor's house. This turned out to be especially important when the ignored us for almost two full years. Again, there is a video out there.
- Ability to mimic the theme music to a cult tv classic, "My So-Called Life." Go now, Go.
- Ability to toss soda cans from a two story window (after stabbing them with a fork). She may have had some help with this, but it was none-the-less impressive.
- Ability to relate fashion statements to pop music. My favorite example: Alyssa once said "Then people started wearing their shirts like this (tucked in) and they came out with a group called Ace of Base." One question remains for me, who is "they"?
- Ability to pick out amazing Christmas gifts. When I was in 7th grade I received a copy of a Janet Jackson single (on tape). It was "what I always wanted."
- Ability to dress up like a starwars character at the request of her brother. There is a great photo of this above. She actually let me tie two bundles of sox to her head so she would look like Princess Leia. Always a willing participant.
- Ability to solve problems. Once she took our emergency key and didn't have the time to put it back in it's proper place. So, instead she put it (and this is brilliant), under the door mat. This was great, as I got locked out the next day and had no way of getting in. When my dad pulled in the driveway that February day, he was also impressed with Alyssa's problem solving skills.
- Ability to balance (standing) on a water tube (occupied by me might I add) while singing Ace of Base's hit single "All that She Wants."
- Ability to wear an eye-patch. It's been a while but I know she's capable.
- Ability to hum the theme from Home Alone and get others to join in. She also does a killer Beyonce impression.
Simply put my sister is an awesome person. There is no one I would rather have as a sister and I am extremely proud of all her accomplishments. Love you Lyss and congratulations.
1 comment:
I just luaghed hysterically for 7 mins straight and my tummy hurts....alot
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