- Emperor Palpatine (Return of the Jedi)
The Star Wars analogy is often used when referring to the idea of moving from the undergrad team to the alumni. It is something as inevitable as Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader. No matter how good you were as undergrad, no matter how many times you cursed the alumni for beating you at an indoor meet, no matter how many times you said, "I will never do to undergrads what the alumni did to me," (see alumni runs 2002 & 2007) it always happens. We all join the dark side eventually. In years past I have reflected on the transformation of not only myself, but have observed other righteous TUXC personalities as they have succumbed to the pressures of time.
I was there the day the alumni first beat the undergrads, it was my sophomore year. The alumni came boasting an all-star roster, including the newly graduated class of 2002 (JR Cruz, Ben Smith, Jason Mann, Justin Lewis, and yes, even Marc Gould). The undergrads were in shambles. Mike Don, Brian McNamara, and I were all injured over the summer, leaving the race to Matt Lacey and the rest of the freshmen (Neil Orfield, Kyle Doran, Mike Cummings, etc.). It was ugly, it was awful. I tried my best that day (with only a few weeks of abbreviated training) but it didn't matter. I was 19th and the alumni got us. What most don't realize is that this set a whole bunch of "great" things in motion, including the infamous Connie quote "Kyle, your mileage sucked this summer." That year many of us agreed that we would never do that to an undergrad team. While the alums laughed it up, we had to endure a season that didn't begin with a leisurely race against our team's legends. Instead, in our coach's eyes, it began a disaster. Pretty dramatic, huh?
However, never say never. Just as Anakin was swayed in about five minutes of screen time in the Revenge of the Sith (I know, really nerdy), I have changed my mind as well. We all have. I should have seen the writing on the wall. I should have gotten on board earlier. But, better late than never. Beating the undergrad team is now a must.
I was there the day the alumni first beat the undergrads, it was my sophomore year. The alumni came boasting an all-star roster, including the newly graduated class of 2002 (JR Cruz, Ben Smith, Jason Mann, Justin Lewis, and yes, even Marc Gould). The undergrads were in shambles. Mike Don, Brian McNamara, and I were all injured over the summer, leaving the race to Matt Lacey and the rest of the freshmen (Neil Orfield, Kyle Doran, Mike Cummings, etc.). It was ugly, it was awful. I tried my best that day (with only a few weeks of abbreviated training) but it didn't matter. I was 19th and the alumni got us. What most don't realize is that this set a whole bunch of "great" things in motion, including the infamous Connie quote "Kyle, your mileage sucked this summer." That year many of us agreed that we would never do that to an undergrad team. While the alums laughed it up, we had to endure a season that didn't begin with a leisurely race against our team's legends. Instead, in our coach's eyes, it began a disaster. Pretty dramatic, huh?
However, never say never. Just as Anakin was swayed in about five minutes of screen time in the Revenge of the Sith (I know, really nerdy), I have changed my mind as well. We all have. I should have seen the writing on the wall. I should have gotten on board earlier. But, better late than never. Beating the undergrad team is now a must.
Remember this? Well, 2008 is going to look a lot like 2007.
In 2007, we captured our second title behind the front running efforts of myself and Matt Lacey. It was epic, but couldn't have been finished off without the help of Josh Kennedy, Matt Fortin, and Mike Don. Our Alumni victory got even better as the undergrads qualified for nationals at season's end. It was a win-win situation for all parties involved. (Except that the undergrads lost the real match-up of the season. )
So, what's in store for 2008? Well, I am past the point of having gone to school with actual members of the Tufts University team. Granted, I know most of the juniors and seniors on the team, but it's not quite the same. So, I have no idea what their future looks like. They'll be good, they have an all-American returning, and a handful of talented seniors, juniors, and sophomores. Good coaching. They also train pretty hard over the summer, so in the end I have confidence in the 2008 Jumbos. But something tells me you aren't reading this to hear about the current guys. Something tells me you want to here about the legends of the fall.
I have struggled with how to approach this preview. Do I give a rankings list like the Has-Beens Mile? Do I give pre-race awards? Do I just give people what to watch for? It really has been giving me fits. I decided that in making my predictions I would not only give my predictions for the top 12, but key match-ups for Alumni Run 2008. So, away, we, go....
Key Match Up #7: Brian McNamara (Alumni) vs. Dave Sorensen (Alumni)
We welcome Dave Sorensen, the two time All-American steeple chaser with open arms. We also welcome the fact that he has been training this summer. Add to the whole situation that he was third place finisher at last year's alumni run, and suddenly the alumni return the top 4 from the race. Hmmmmmm. Well, back to the match up. You all know Brian "Mac" McNamara, a 2005 graduate, the 2006 Has Been's Mile Champion, and a future employee of K&L Gates. What you might not know is that he is training a lot this summer. With his sites set on a fall marathon and possible swing at Boston 2009, he is in shape. I know first hand that he has what it takes to be at the top of the race. For a while I predicted him to be third in the race, that is until Dave Sorensen decided to crash the party. Now I'm not so sure. These two met during the indoor season when Mac beat Dave head to head in a mile. Mac waived his finger like Ronaldo and all was right with the world. Dave would later go on to finish 9th at Division III indoor nationals. I'm not saying, I'm just saying. Ultimately, this match up is a great thing for the alumni no matter who wins.
Key Match Up #6: Josh Kennedy vs Himself I don't even know if this guy is going to show up. Here is a great story for you. So we run the Has Been's Mile this winter, and Kennedy doesn't show up. He lives a block from Tufts, so really he had no excuse. On the cool down a group of us decide to go over to his apartment to find out what's up. We get there and he is getting in his car and asks "so, who won?" I was in shock, he had absolutely no explanation for not even attending. I don't know what happened to this kid. I hope he isn't into second life or something like that. If he shows up to Alumni Run it will be a big deal. It will probably be a huge mental thing for Kennedy, so I am not really sure what to expect from him. Can he over come his second life persona and make the pilgrimage to Grafton? The world awaits, and away, we, go.
Key Match Up #5: Andy Bonventre (Alumni) vs Aaron Kaye (Alumni) Andy put together a good year of racing on the track. Aaron Kaye put together yet another year of being awesome at life. This is going to be a tough call for me. I am not sure who wins this race. If it we're a mile I would give a slight nod to Bons. However, this is a 5k, and it's on Grafton. Until Bons proves that he can A) Run a 5k that's on par with his mile time and B) Beat AK in the game of life, I give the nod to AK. From what I hear I ron Man was a better movie.
Key Match Up #4: Peter Bromka (Alumni) vs The Freshmen (TUXC 08) I know nothing about the freshmen class 0f 2008, but I do know Peter Bromka. Peter is a master of what I call "residual fitness." Only Ben Smith can rival his ability to call upon past year's running without actually training for an event. After doing part of a long run with Peter a couple weeks ago I was convinced that he would step up for this event. He may not beat the top freshman in the race, as at least one always seems to run out of their mind, but he will beat a lot of them. Sunglasses and all, he'll wear his short Nike shorts (one's we have never seen) and try to mow down some freshman on a course he used to live on. And if he doesn't, he'll probably eat a ton at the barbecue afterwards. Sounds like a win-win for Bromka.
Key Match Up #3: Mike Don (Alumni) vs Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot (TUXC) This could be a huge match up when it comes to team scores. I expect Jerzy to be up there after a great freshman year and a solid summer of training. I expect Mike Don to be up there because he's Mike Don. I trust that he has trained a little for this event, so the early read has Mike Don with the edge. Last year Mike showed up as the gun was about to sound, that won't happen this year. Jerzy is dangerous, but it's Grafton and I trust Miguel on the farm. In addition to the team battle this is a battle for tall and short people all over the planet. Mike Don is tall enough to play point guard for team USA, Jerzy is half the size of Dustin Pedroia. I am not making fun of them, just pointing out an observation. Alumni vs TUXC, Tall vs short, who wins?
Key Match Up # 2: Nick Welch (TUXC) vs Jesse Faller (TUXC) Two classmates: one the captain (Welch), one the All-American (Faller). Jesse Faller has mastered the charge at the end of the season. With his 14:31 at the end of outdoor track he had us all asking: how? Welch has consistently improved over his time at Tufts, is this his breakout season? Alumni run could provide our first glimpse as to who is the lead dog for TUXC. I'll keep a majority of my comments close to the chest, but I'll give you this bone to chew on. Welch will be the top finisher for TUXC at the Alumni run. His training has looked good so far and he has the experience to run a solid effort at his team's first competition. Although this combo helps TUXC at the top of the standings, it won't be able overcome the "sith."
Key Match Up#1: Matt Lacey (Alumni) vs Nate Brigham (Alumni) For the first time since the Spring of 2005, we have a legitimate question mark in front of us. Who will it be? Matthew and I have beaten each other over the last few years, but either Matthew was in shape and I wasn't, or I was in shape and Matthew was hurt. Our schedules couldn't align and things never lined up for a "real" race. I don't discount any previous efforts, because they were all legit. Take last year for example, Matthew and I were both in good shape all summer. However, just weeks before he missed some time due to injury. The alumni run dream match-up was still great, but not at 100%. My consistency allowed me to escape with the victory. This winter, roles were reversed at the Has-Been's Mile, as Matthew was ready to rock and I was just getting my year started. Now, finally, after three long years, it's time for a battle. I don't know what will happen, but I do know that we're going 1-2. We talked a few weeks ago and discussed going sub 16 and even making a run at Andrew Pitts' record. This time the hype is real, this time the teacher and the apprentice go head to head.
Top 12 Predictions
12 - Ryan Lena (TU)
11 - Random Freshman (TU)
10 - Matt Fortin (A)
9 - Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot (TU)
8 - Jeff Ragazzini (TU)
7 -Mike Don (A)
6 - Jesse Faller (TU)
5 - Brian McNamara (A)
4 - Nick Welch (TU)
3 - Dave Sorensen (A)
2 - Matt Lacey (A)
1 - Nate Brigham (A)
0 - Usain Bolt (JAM)
Team scores:
Alumni - 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 18
TUXC - 4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 11 = 38
Jamaica - 0
Yeah, I have a lot of faith in my fellow alums, maybe too much. I just have a feeling about this race. I am pretty confident in the top 3, but beyond that, anything can happen. If you're scoring at home, if the Alumni team goes 1-2-3, the race is literally over. I wish all parties involved the best of luck and let the debate begin. Will the legends of the fall reign supreme? Will the young bucks fight back with grit and determination? Will the dark side prevail? Well, you already know the answer, go ahead, say it. Say yes................yes.
In 2007, we captured our second title behind the front running efforts of myself and Matt Lacey. It was epic, but couldn't have been finished off without the help of Josh Kennedy, Matt Fortin, and Mike Don. Our Alumni victory got even better as the undergrads qualified for nationals at season's end. It was a win-win situation for all parties involved. (Except that the undergrads lost the real match-up of the season. )
So, what's in store for 2008? Well, I am past the point of having gone to school with actual members of the Tufts University team. Granted, I know most of the juniors and seniors on the team, but it's not quite the same. So, I have no idea what their future looks like. They'll be good, they have an all-American returning, and a handful of talented seniors, juniors, and sophomores. Good coaching. They also train pretty hard over the summer, so in the end I have confidence in the 2008 Jumbos. But something tells me you aren't reading this to hear about the current guys. Something tells me you want to here about the legends of the fall.
I have struggled with how to approach this preview. Do I give a rankings list like the Has-Beens Mile? Do I give pre-race awards? Do I just give people what to watch for? It really has been giving me fits. I decided that in making my predictions I would not only give my predictions for the top 12, but key match-ups for Alumni Run 2008. So, away, we, go....
Key Match Up #7: Brian McNamara (Alumni) vs. Dave Sorensen (Alumni)
We welcome Dave Sorensen, the two time All-American steeple chaser with open arms. We also welcome the fact that he has been training this summer. Add to the whole situation that he was third place finisher at last year's alumni run, and suddenly the alumni return the top 4 from the race. Hmmmmmm. Well, back to the match up. You all know Brian "Mac" McNamara, a 2005 graduate, the 2006 Has Been's Mile Champion, and a future employee of K&L Gates. What you might not know is that he is training a lot this summer. With his sites set on a fall marathon and possible swing at Boston 2009, he is in shape. I know first hand that he has what it takes to be at the top of the race. For a while I predicted him to be third in the race, that is until Dave Sorensen decided to crash the party. Now I'm not so sure. These two met during the indoor season when Mac beat Dave head to head in a mile. Mac waived his finger like Ronaldo and all was right with the world. Dave would later go on to finish 9th at Division III indoor nationals. I'm not saying, I'm just saying. Ultimately, this match up is a great thing for the alumni no matter who wins.
Key Match Up #6: Josh Kennedy vs Himself I don't even know if this guy is going to show up. Here is a great story for you. So we run the Has Been's Mile this winter, and Kennedy doesn't show up. He lives a block from Tufts, so really he had no excuse. On the cool down a group of us decide to go over to his apartment to find out what's up. We get there and he is getting in his car and asks "so, who won?" I was in shock, he had absolutely no explanation for not even attending. I don't know what happened to this kid. I hope he isn't into second life or something like that. If he shows up to Alumni Run it will be a big deal. It will probably be a huge mental thing for Kennedy, so I am not really sure what to expect from him. Can he over come his second life persona and make the pilgrimage to Grafton? The world awaits, and away, we, go.
Key Match Up #5: Andy Bonventre (Alumni) vs Aaron Kaye (Alumni) Andy put together a good year of racing on the track. Aaron Kaye put together yet another year of being awesome at life. This is going to be a tough call for me. I am not sure who wins this race. If it we're a mile I would give a slight nod to Bons. However, this is a 5k, and it's on Grafton. Until Bons proves that he can A) Run a 5k that's on par with his mile time and B) Beat AK in the game of life, I give the nod to AK. From what I hear I ron Man was a better movie.
Key Match Up #4: Peter Bromka (Alumni) vs The Freshmen (TUXC 08) I know nothing about the freshmen class 0f 2008, but I do know Peter Bromka. Peter is a master of what I call "residual fitness." Only Ben Smith can rival his ability to call upon past year's running without actually training for an event. After doing part of a long run with Peter a couple weeks ago I was convinced that he would step up for this event. He may not beat the top freshman in the race, as at least one always seems to run out of their mind, but he will beat a lot of them. Sunglasses and all, he'll wear his short Nike shorts (one's we have never seen) and try to mow down some freshman on a course he used to live on. And if he doesn't, he'll probably eat a ton at the barbecue afterwards. Sounds like a win-win for Bromka.
Key Match Up #3: Mike Don (Alumni) vs Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot (TUXC) This could be a huge match up when it comes to team scores. I expect Jerzy to be up there after a great freshman year and a solid summer of training. I expect Mike Don to be up there because he's Mike Don. I trust that he has trained a little for this event, so the early read has Mike Don with the edge. Last year Mike showed up as the gun was about to sound, that won't happen this year. Jerzy is dangerous, but it's Grafton and I trust Miguel on the farm. In addition to the team battle this is a battle for tall and short people all over the planet. Mike Don is tall enough to play point guard for team USA, Jerzy is half the size of Dustin Pedroia. I am not making fun of them, just pointing out an observation. Alumni vs TUXC, Tall vs short, who wins?
Key Match Up # 2: Nick Welch (TUXC) vs Jesse Faller (TUXC) Two classmates: one the captain (Welch), one the All-American (Faller). Jesse Faller has mastered the charge at the end of the season. With his 14:31 at the end of outdoor track he had us all asking: how? Welch has consistently improved over his time at Tufts, is this his breakout season? Alumni run could provide our first glimpse as to who is the lead dog for TUXC. I'll keep a majority of my comments close to the chest, but I'll give you this bone to chew on. Welch will be the top finisher for TUXC at the Alumni run. His training has looked good so far and he has the experience to run a solid effort at his team's first competition. Although this combo helps TUXC at the top of the standings, it won't be able overcome the "sith."
Key Match Up#1: Matt Lacey (Alumni) vs Nate Brigham (Alumni) For the first time since the Spring of 2005, we have a legitimate question mark in front of us. Who will it be? Matthew and I have beaten each other over the last few years, but either Matthew was in shape and I wasn't, or I was in shape and Matthew was hurt. Our schedules couldn't align and things never lined up for a "real" race. I don't discount any previous efforts, because they were all legit. Take last year for example, Matthew and I were both in good shape all summer. However, just weeks before he missed some time due to injury. The alumni run dream match-up was still great, but not at 100%. My consistency allowed me to escape with the victory. This winter, roles were reversed at the Has-Been's Mile, as Matthew was ready to rock and I was just getting my year started. Now, finally, after three long years, it's time for a battle. I don't know what will happen, but I do know that we're going 1-2. We talked a few weeks ago and discussed going sub 16 and even making a run at Andrew Pitts' record. This time the hype is real, this time the teacher and the apprentice go head to head.
Top 12 Predictions
12 - Ryan Lena (TU)
11 - Random Freshman (TU)
10 - Matt Fortin (A)
9 - Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot (TU)
8 - Jeff Ragazzini (TU)
7 -Mike Don (A)
6 - Jesse Faller (TU)
5 - Brian McNamara (A)
4 - Nick Welch (TU)
3 - Dave Sorensen (A)
2 - Matt Lacey (A)
1 - Nate Brigham (A)
0 - Usain Bolt (JAM)
Team scores:
Alumni - 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 18
TUXC - 4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 11 = 38
Jamaica - 0
Yeah, I have a lot of faith in my fellow alums, maybe too much. I just have a feeling about this race. I am pretty confident in the top 3, but beyond that, anything can happen. If you're scoring at home, if the Alumni team goes 1-2-3, the race is literally over. I wish all parties involved the best of luck and let the debate begin. Will the legends of the fall reign supreme? Will the young bucks fight back with grit and determination? Will the dark side prevail? Well, you already know the answer, go ahead, say it. Say yes................yes.
Nate, you forgot to mention that our battle is another important chapter in the war of short vs tall. Your elbow does swing over my head when we run next to each other. See you soon.
Mike Don and I raced in the 3k at one of the Tufts Invites indoors and he beat me (8:51 to 8:56 I think). I want redemption this year after getting outkicked by Fortin last year and losing the race for us.
Matt Fortin is a beast FYI, a sub 56 10 miler this past weekend has me believing in big things.....
Nate - with all that photoshopping, one this is clear, you have way too much time on your hands!
In all seriousness, this looks like good times...
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