Monday, August 25, 2008

Stay the course

*Note: If you are looking for the 2008 Alumni Run Preview, it can be found below this post.

So, last week was my first back in the Washington area. I led off the week by getting another solid 20 mile run in, making it two out of the last three weeks. On this particular run I did a good job of getting fluids the entire time, as my Dad rode the bike again. My time was a little bit better too, but overall I am feeling a little sluggish. My mid-week workout didn't finish as well as I would have hoped, but still pretty solid. Given that I have continued my buildup, I shouldn't be particularly surprised with my lack of energy. My goal is to keep it in the mid 80's for another two weeks and mildly taper into the Philadelphia Distance Run. I don't know how this going to work, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. Here is last week:

August 17th - 23rd

Sun: 20 miles, solid run, a little sore but overall good.
Mon: 10 miles, early in the morning before driving back. Ran down to Tufts and through streets of Somerville.
Tue: 10.5 miles, tough run in the heat, pace was a little quick too.
Wed: 12 miles total, morning workout, 5x1600 (4:56, 4:52, 4:51, 4:50, 4:55) w/ 2 mins rest (400m jog), last one started to get a little ugly in the second half, called it at 5.
Thur: 10 miles, easy
Fri: 12 miles, easy, warm outside
Sat: 10.5 miles, easy
Total: 85 Miles

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